AIAS to Grassroots 2013-
We arrived in D.C. on a Wednesday night and decided to rent
bikes (which we THOUGHT were super cheap at the time) to ride around the mall
area. The next day was the beginning of the conference and we started every
morning off with a cup of coffee and a beat-box. Juicy-J (Joel Pominville) and N-Zilla the
Killa (Nick Tafel) are notorious for their raps at AIAS roll calls and it was
AWESOME! After we got the crowd pumped
up, we spent most of the day listening to speakers (some of them counted
towards IDP credit) or participating in sessions with all the students to share
ideas about everyone’s chapter. There
was a barbeque at the AIA national headquarters on Friday night and a tour of
the memorials after that. Saturday night was the big party on the ferry and
everyone got dressed up and ate hors d’oeurves like sophisticated
architects. However Matt Barstow did
break it down on the dance floor, which was pretty crazy. Overall, the trip was
a huge success. We learned a lot, met some
incredible people from all over the country, and had an absolute blast!
Check out this video from of us rapping Grassroots: